The Negative Emanations of Our Selves and Others.

Repressive Techniques, Attention Seeking Behaviour, and Energy Gaining Strategies of Unillumined Egoism.

"It was denied to me and I repressed so I don't see why you should be allowed to have it, and that's the end of the matter! Now, give me some attention - quickly!"


Page Contents








Bitterness, Regret, Jealousy, Denial, and Repression.
  • "What ever we deny unto ourselves, we will deny unto others."
  • "What we do unto others, we do unto ourselves."

I feel that these maxims really do sum up those kind of negative situations, especially those concerning our families and close relationships. Parents who don't particularly care about their children's future or abilities, children who are cut-off from meaningful relationships with parents. Family members and partners who use their power to abuse, violate, put-down, control, and generally project their own problems upon others.

Generally speaking, what we give out, the Universe will eventually return one way or another. Why? Because the manifest Universe, Chakras 1 - 5, is all 'relative' and the Law of Karma prevails (the law of cause and effect). Also, as the Self is all, then others, and ourselves as individuals, are all in the Whole together - we (the manifest) are all within the One (God, the Totality of Existence).There is no seperation, everything is inter-related.

Unquestioned and uninspected emotions and states of mind such as jealousy, can make a mess out of ourselves and the person we are projecting upon. If we feel jealous then we are getting attached and caught up in a ridiculous psychological game.

Most of these lower emotions and aspects of human consciousness are closey intertwined with the strategies of the unillumined ego, that is the individual or collective aspect (ie; group, family, organisation) that is dis-connected, has no knowledge of, its higher self (ref; The Chakras) will always need to use some strategy to gain attention, energy or love for itself (ref; The Energy Enhancement Book; Chapters 10 and 11), because this individual or set of individuals has lost it's sense of connectivity with the whole of existence.

We have named this dis-connected state of affairs, 'The Pain of Seperation', 'Jiva consciousness', 'Inflated egoism' and 'Avidya (ignorance of extended and whole Self). It concerns the situation of the unillumined ego.

I read somewhere, that a great cure for bitterness, jealousy (j'ai - french = I am, lousy = no good, rotton, unfit) and regret is to begin to serve other people instead of despising, hating and loathing them for their success and achievement!

For instance, if we have the time and / or energy, we could lend our heart and hands to some community activity or we could perform some other type of activity, whatever it may be, that we know and feel is for the good of one and all.

Remember that: 'all comparisons are odious' (odious means hateful).

If we become obsessed with, or are encouraged into, constantly comparing ourselves with others (and many ego-orientated families and societies are built on this concept) then we become stuck in constant competition. Some competition is healthy, but only in reference to the collective co-operation which is the underlying principle of life.

For example, we could try not to beat each other up competing for attention! Soveriegn states and international governments have suffered from this imbalance for the at least the last 2000 years. Most competition stems from the mating game rituals of bodily and sexual attraction (Second chakra) and the ignorant belief that God will not provide for us (Base Chakra insecurity). Unfortunately, many cases of egoism are stuck in the competitor mode. Again, this getting stuck, cutting off at certain ages, stages in life, is one of the main causes of inflated egoism.

For instance, if an individual is forced to repress, by external circumstances (family and society), an important life aspect (sexuality, sensuality, emotionality, the search for meaningful employment, balanced enjoyment of the body, appreciation of the senses and their objects, etc...) at the chronological flowering point - the correct time for it's expression and unfoldment, then the individual is forced to either repress, and thus deny that aspect or find some other channel for it's expression - internal repression (dis-ease) or external projection (distraction).

External projection (distraction) is perhaps healthier for the individual than internal repression (dis-ease). But both techniques use avoidance of having to face the repressed aspect to achieve their purpose - of having to face the repressed aspect.

Jealousy can be transformed into happiness and maybe delight for others good fortune.

If we have no pratical or mental skills that we feel could be of benefit to life, that is life beyond our own egoistic world vision (beyond our small, personal world and all it's joys and woes), then we can perform and absorb ourselves with more spiritual practices, such as prayer, thinking good and healthy thoughts, learning to enjoy our own life in a humble way - ie the simple things - performing our daily activities with the whole of existence in mind. Even simply spending some time thinking loving thoughts for all those near and dear, friends, family, neighbours, all these things are of the highest good for all.

This thinking of loving thoughts is a beautiful form of prayer and it changes our own mood, vibration, aura, and also effects - for the good - those whom we think about. Likewise, it we only think unpleasant and detrimental thoughts (lower mental and emotional aspects) concerning others, then we are creating suffering for ourselves and for others.

There is an old saying:

"If you truely love somebody, set them free."

Understandably, the transformation process, this journey of self illumination, does seem rather alien to begin with and we must not become deterred by the equally negative attitudes of influences around us, if they should arise. Please, please, keep going, be determined to feel the love, happiness, peace and joy that is deep within you, set your will, keep a steady faith in your heart.

Remember, you are under no obligation to share this loving feeling. It starts with ourselves and we must learn to understand our own True Nature - that of the Self, Satchitananda, pure, unalloyed, peace, love, bliss and joy, pure because it is not attached to any form or object - it just is. Existence Explained - A Map.

If we continue to create suffering, which emerges from our own suffering, and we project this onto the people in our life, then ultimately we will become unloved and despised - even if on the surface people remain polite and curteous. Eventually, because of our attention seeking habits we may get the attention that we craved in the form of divorce, unhappy relationships, being made redundant, and other negative situations.

The first step to healing our damaged psyche, is to become aware of our habitual behaviour; physical, mental and emotional. With this, at first, small lamp of awareness, we can begin to illuminate our inner and outer lives.


It is important to understand the Nature of Being (also ref; An Explanation of the Totality of Existence) and to realise without a 'shadow' of a doubt, that we, as humans, are only a part of this great emanation of Being, but that this part is of the complete nature of the whole Self. This Self - realisation is the best form of healing and with this knowledge we fully understanded our own nature and that of others, in the ultimate sense.

No true and lasting personal transformation can occur without real Self knowledge, that is understanding of our extended self. But with this realisation all is possible.

That is why it is said:

"Seek ye first, the Kingdom of God."

…then all else will be added unto you.


Humilty, balance, compassion for those who have been damaged, understanding, patience, keeping our own houses in order, and forever remaining with a genuine warm heart, are all important human characteristics to help us all in the midst life's ups and downs.

I hope very much that you will find this realisation within this Internet site and all its illustrations and documents.

If need further explanations concerning subject material then please go to the Bibliography section. Here you will find many Jewels of Wisdom.


Good luck may everlasting peace and joy come to you with this realisation.

Om shanti, Namaste, Hari Om, Om namah siva. Peace, Joy, Mystery, and Enlightenment for all.


[return to page contents...]

The Major Strategies of the Unillumined Egoist.


An ego that has become dis-connected from it's source and true Self, the rishis of India named a 'Jiva', western psychology calls this inflated ego - egoism, and the individual who is suffering this imbalance we label 'an egoist'. The term 'Jiva' or 'egoist' is used when describing this unfortunate circumstance of an unillumined ego, who has become seperated from the Whole , the rest of Existence.

It is very important to define our terminology. The ego (label given to a consciously developing individual) in its natural, balanced state is an essential aspect of Existence. Without the ego, there would be no individuals, and according to many Mystic traditions (eg: Gnostic, Alchemy, Vedantic philosophy, Yoga, Taoism), there would be no Cosmos either, for the ego is the reflecting medium of the creative energy of the Absolute (for further explanation refer to "A map of the Cosmic Body")

It is also very important to realise that the strategies of the unillumined egoist, are all natural qualities of human behaviour and the sickness of inflated egoism is only due to the personality becoming stuck in a small repertoire of these qualities (aspects of being) and thus an 'unbalanced' personality.

Because of imbalance in one aspect (in this case an individual personality) of the Universe (cosmic mind), their will occur an attraction of opposites as the Universe always remains balanced, whatever the superficial appearance of the smaller, microcosmic situations.

Compassion and understanding save the grace of possible arrogant mis-interpretation. For instance, many people in the urban, technological world today (1999), suffer from lonliness ("Lonliness and Egoism"). Because of this 'social aspect' imbalance, an individual is prone to increased egoism - they need the attention because of this lack in their lives. If an individual, suffering from strong or even chronic egoism can find some meaning, some passionate interest, something to love, in one of the many avenues of life, the gap in their life, which generated the inflated egoism, may be somewhat closed and they may begin to feel more whole. As an individual grows to become more connected and more of a participant in life, the inflated egoism (the dis-ease in their being) has a tendency to deflate, and the individual (or society) is well on the way to recovery

One of the greatest methods of reconnection is to present the dis-connected individual (jiva / egoist) with the means of understanding This Great Eternal Life. Once the larger picture has been grasped, the individual need never feel seperate again - even when they are in situations which they would previously have suffered lonliness, isolation, and the infliction of the unbalanced need for attention (inflated egoism).

Because of imbalance in one aspect (in this case an individual personality) of the Universe (cosmic mind), their will occur an attraction of opposites as the Universe always remains balanced, whatever the superficial appearance of the smaller, microcosmic situations.


Table of Known Egoistic Strategies.

Firstly, these ego strategies can be allocated into FOUR major catagories.


Active Passive
Violator Victim
Interrogator Aloof

Of which the following list of behavioural traits can be translated to one or more of the four basic catagories.

One must understand the importance of realising that these strategies of inflated egoism, are indeed perversions (extremeities) of natural human qualities, and it is only the attention seeking needs of the dis-eased ego (stemming from some imbalance in the individuals life) that gives rise to the use of these strategies to gain energy from other people - via gaining your attention.


  • Victim.

Poor me, martyr, prisoner, casuality, target of abuse and exploitation.

  • Dramatist.

Much ado about nothing, much unnecessary fuss, much drama, 'mountains out of molehills', drama kings and queens.

  • The Downer.

Constant negative personality, puts themselves and everybody else down, same quality yet opposite pole of the 'Dramatist'

  • The Nosey.

The curtain twitching syndrome, a subtle, covert, more secretive interrogation.

  • Private covert.

Overly secretive, not open, too private, concealing everything from others. Linked to the aloof strategy. Both aloof and covert strategies use this sense of secrecy, 'that person knows something others don't', as a smokescreen only for the investigation by others of the 'fire'. ie this cloak of reservation actually draws the interrogator, nosey types.

Opposites have a tendency to attract each other.

  • The Aloof.

Without partication, avoidance, detachment, reserved, haughty, apart, distant, withdrawn, 'seperatist' likes to do things all their own way without much reference to other people. Will try to re-invent the wheel rather than follow already existing instructions

  • The Gossip.

Forever gossiping about other people and their business.

  • The Nodder.

Usually the partner of the Gossip, ambiguous, has no opinion of their own, always in agreement.

  • The withholder

'I have a secret that you don't know, so I am in some way special', power game.

  • The Competitor

I must come first in everything to prove that I am better than you and you and you too!

  • The Neurotic perfectionist

Can never let go of the need to be perfect and thus has difficulty in being altogether human.

  • The Whistler

Sexual, sensual, emotional repression / denial.Bodily guilt and embarrassment. Maybe denying, repressing sensuality, and full sexual integration. Symptom of being miseducated concerning sexuality. Can get confused over 2nd chakra connections.

  • The Dry intellectual

Impresses with dry, lifeless, book knowledge. Uses information monologue to keep attention, also uses very 'specific' vocabulary to prove intellectual superiority. Rarely comes down from head centres.

  • The Whitterer

Talks in constant sound 'biscuits', chaffs, and chits 'about' life and does little. Uses chit chat to keep focus of attention. Very Vata type.

  • The Hero / Heroine

Rushing around "helping other's with their problems", and often over looks - does not attend to - their own inner transformation. This strategy is a projection of the individual's own problems onto others.

  • The gushing emotional

Gushes everywhere, without boundaries or respect for other's emotions.

  • The pseudo Sympathetic.

Offers sympathy but uses the situation else where in life to prove what a martyr and 'good' person they are. The sympathy may not prove to be of any use to receiver but provides the much needed 'gold stars' for the pseudo-sympathetic.

  • The Celestial

rejects the animal, sensual, sexual, bodily aspects and thus thinks that they are 'above the beasts', but inwardly they have not addressed these issues for themselves. Thus they get attention by condemning and 'saving' the bestial people.

  • The Bestial

opposite of the celestial, same principle.

  • The Wheel inventor.

Will not use what has already been discovered, but must always rely totally on their own creativity. Aloofness, seperatism, and

  • The Teacher

Can't drop the teaching mode. Gains energy and self esteem by assuring themselves that other's are 'stupid' or 'silly' and thus require the teacher's knowledge.

  • The eternal student

Constant pupil. This ego type keeps its hold by forever studying one thing after another and never mastering anything.

  • The Horder / collector.

Retentive and energy blocker. Cannot let things go and thus energetically let life move more freely. Blockage in the base chakra. Fear of material insecurity.

  • The Gift giver

buys friends, and then is insulted when they do not recieve the quantity of attention that the gift 'buys'.

  • The Apologist

Always sorry for being here at all: Victim strategy.

  • The Interrupter

Always interupts other people and has the tendency to finishe off other people's sentences.

  • The Prejudice

Has a string of prejudices and opinions that they can always use to monopolise conversations, monlogue, or create arguements and meaningless disturbances.

  • The Addict

Victim strategy.

  • The Liar

Uses lieing and 'tall' stories to get it's attention.

  • The Projecting denier

Projects their own denial onto other people, especially those who they have some power over: ie, family, close friends, a 'captive' audience.

  • The Henpecked

Has become henpecked and uses this situation as the main hub of their repertoire.

  • The Chastised

Has been heavily chastised in childhood and is stuck in this mode.

  • The Interrogator.

Questioning, persistent enquiry often with no real interest in the answers or explanations that are provided.

  • The Parasite

a hanger-on or sychophant, non-contibuter, without rendering a sevice.

  • The Controller

An individual who cannot relinquish control of a situation. Probably due to having to always take control of situations in the past, but also due to a lack of faith in other's and their abilities.

  • The Procrastinator

Constantly putting off that which needs to be done, linked with the aloof and victim strategies.

  • The Tyrant.

Authoritarian, oppressor, bully, dictator, power cruelly administered, domineering, overpowering, oppressive.

  • The Violator.

Abuser, spoiler, invader, assault, attack, offend, pervert, mistreat, harm, brutalise.


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A Matter of Imbalance.

Again, I cannot emphasis enough, the importance of realising that the strategies of inflated egoism, are indeed perversions (extremeities) of natural human qualities and it is only the attention seeking needs of the dis-eased ego (stemming from some imbalance in the individuals life) that gives rise to the use of these strategies.

The use of the strategies is a symptom and not the cause. This must be understood. The causes of the unbalanced need for attention, as opposed to the natural needs of every individual, are due to many complex life situations; unhappy life circumstances, dysfunctional families, unsatisfying employment, corrupt and dysfunctional socities, etc.. in a word - suffering. All these symptoms are the results of deep suffering of the individual and the society. It is important to understand this. Because without this reference to the suffering experienced by all living beings, we, who are trying to transform ourselves and this planet earth, can become impatient, lacking in compassion, and thus fall prey to one of the strategies of the ego (Tyrant, abuser, controller).

Inflated egoism and limited, stuck repertoire contents are the main symptoms that lead to these strategies being used. Life situations, conditionings, family, society, also contribute heavily. But the major cause of continued use of these egoistic strategies is the dis-connection of the individual from their extended self. Compassion, understanding, patience, and inner forgiveness are some of the keys to avoid anger, arrogance, impatience, hatred, and contempt that can arise if the haughty, unloving, and heartless gain access to the knowledge of the egoistic strategies, and have yet to develop their humanistic qualities.

This awareness and monitoring of egoism, and the attempt to attain and maintain some degree of balance in our lives, as well as the rememberance of our extended Self, is a process of self-evolution.


Table of the 'pairing' of the ego type stategists

Active Passive
Violator Victim
Interrogator Aloof


The ego types can be paired, like in the above table, and we generally find that where there is a strong, predominant ego characteristic within a personality, that chararcteristic will 'bring out' it's opposite type in the people whom that personality interacts with.

If a person's ego, in whatever form, takes a strong, permanent hold over an individual personality - then we say that this person is 'egoistic'. They are suffering from egoism - the theory of self interest as the main principle of living, over-concern for own's, individual well being, non-concern for the collective. In extreme egoism, egoistic behaviour, we may even say that an individual acts only from the perspective of their own existence - meaning completely selfishly.

Most intelligent, reasonable people can learn to understand the ego's strategies of attention seeking and selfish behaviour patterns. Of course, for successful living we need to strike the balance between the needs of the individual and the needs of the collective. The relationship between the individual and society.

Once this Jiva / egoistic seperation has taken place, for what ever reason, it can prove quite difficult to persuade a stubborn 'Jiva' that Existence, the Whole, does actually operate outside of the Jiva's small and blinkered perspective, and have not we all suffered such recurrent delusion and painful confusion at some time or other in our lives.

The biggest problem with 'Jiva consciousness', this disconnected egoism, is that, the longer the 'jiva' lives in delusion, then the stronger this delusion becomes, thus the individual or groups of 'Jiva' require more and more energy / attention from external sources and need to use the spectrum of techniques that emerge from the basic strategies.- because this painful confusion of sense of seperation needs to be pacified somehow. The pain of seperation and the uprising bewilderment is just too much to face alone.

The further an individual travels into Jiva consciousness, the harder it is for them to turn around the whole misguided operation and re-connect with reality. If 'Jiva' then sets up groups, organisations, institutions, Soveriegn states and Nationalities, based around this delusion of seperation then you have a pretty fair description of current events on planet earth.

It is no wonder that societies place so much emphasis on developing unbalanced 'Egoistic' behaviour, because the very nature of most societies is based upon Jiva / egoistic behaviour. The blind leading the blind!

"What is going on?", wonders the Jiva, "I cannot seem to fit into life and have forgotten my extended Self, thus I must create my own pantomime of whim and fancy, so that I will not be forgotten or overlooked."

Yet, if Jiva is guided into the Wisdom of the True Nature of Existence, then Jiva will not need to rely so heavily upon these attention seeking strategies, thus freeing themselves and others from this state of affairs. Life becomes improved for everybody. This is why the wise have said that 'with every enlightenment, existence celebrates a little more'.


[return to page contents...]


Jiva and the 'Me' World Vision.


Fig 2: Hello. Is their anybody there ?

For a clearer explanation of those Cosmic Bodies click here.


Because Jiva consciousness involves being in the state of avidya (ignorance of own True nature) and being very much a victim of the programmes of the personality, many Jiva's can only relate to the Universe and it's inhabitants to their own restricted world vision.

Jiva is in a strange situation, because Jiva feels that to move away from it's own small shore and join the Ocean would in some way be of deficit to their own life. Where as really, Jiva consciousness, avidya, is what needs to be dropped if an individual wishes to understand and experience a more holistic life.


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ituations; unhappy life circumstances, dysfunctional families, unsatisfying employment, corrupt and dysfunctional socities, etc.. in a word - suffering. All these symptoms are the results of deep suffering of the individual and the society. It is important to understand this. Because without this reference to the suffering experienced by all living beings, we, who are trying to transform ourselves and this planet earth, can become impatient, lacking in compassion, and thus fall prey to one of the strategies of the ego (Tyrant, abuser, controller).

Inflated egoism and limited, stuck repertoire contents are the main symptoms that lead to these strategies being used. Life situations, conditionings, family, society, also contribute heavily. But the major cause of continued use of these egoistic strategies is the dis-connection of the individual from their extended self. Compassion, understanding, patience, and inner forgiveness are some of the keys to avoid anger, arrogance, impatience, hatred, and contempt that can arise if the haughty, unloving, and heartless gain access to the knowledge of the egoistic strategies, and have yet to develop their humanistic qualities.

This awareness and monitoring of egoism, and the attempt to attain and maintain some degree of balance in our lives, as well as the rememberance of our extended Self, is a process of self-evolution.


Table of the 'pairing' of the ego type stategists

Active Passive
Violator Victim
Interrogator Aloof


The ego types can be paired, like in the above table, and we generally find that where there is a strong, predominant ego characteristic within a personality, that chararcteristic will 'bring out' it's opposite type in the people whom that personality interacts with.

If a person's ego, in whatever form, takes a strong, permanent hold over an individual personality - then we say that this person is 'egoistic'. They are suffering from egoism - the theory of self interest as the main principle of living, over-concern for own's, individual well being, non-concern for the collective. In extreme egoism, egoistic behaviour, we may even say that an individual acts only from the perspective of their own existence - meaning completely selfishly.

Most intelligent, reasonable people can learn to understand the ego's strategies of attention seeking and selfish behaviour patterns. Of course, for successful living we need to strike the balance between the needs of the individual and the needs of the collective. The relationship between the individual and society.

Once this Jiva / egoistic seperation has taken place, for what ever reason, it can prove quite difficult to persuade a stubborn 'Jiva' that Existence, the Whole, does actually operate outside of the Jiva's small and blinkered perspective, and have not we all suffered such recurrent delusion and painful confusion at some time or other in our lives.

The biggest problem with 'Jiva consciousness', this disconnected egoism, is that, the longer the 'jiva' lives in delusion, then the stronger this delusion becomes, thus the individual or groups of 'Jiva' require more and more energy / attention from external sources and need to use the spectrum of techniques that emerge from the basic strategies.- because this painful confusion of sense of seperation needs to be pacified somehow. The pain of seperation and the uprising bewilderment is just too much to face alone.

The further an individual travels into Jiva consciousness, the harder it is for them to turn around the whole misguided operation and re-connect with reality. If 'Jiva' then sets up groups, organisations, institutions, Soveriegn states and Nationalities, based around this delusion of seperation then you have a pretty fair description of current events on planet earth.

It is no wonder that societies place so much emphasis on developing unbalanced 'Egoistic' behaviour, because the very nature of most societies is based upon Jiva / egoistic behaviour. The blind leading the blind!

"What is going on?", wonders the Jiva, "I cannot seem to fit into life and have forgotten my extended Self, thus I must create my own pantomime of whim and fancy, so that I will not be forgotten or overlooked."

Yet, if Jiva is guided into the Wisdom of the True Nature of Existence, then Jiva will not need to rely so heavily upon these attention seeking strategies, thus freeing themselves and others from this state of affairs. Life becomes improved for everybody. This is why the wise have said that 'with every enlightenment, existence celebrates a little more'.


[return to page contents...]


Jiva and the 'Me' World Vision.


Fig 2: Hello. Is their anybody there ?

For a clearer explanation of those Cosmic Bodies click here.


Because Jiva consciousness involves being in the state of avidya (ignorance of own True nature) and being very much a victim of the programmes of the personality, many Jiva's can only relate to the Universe and it's inhabitants to their own restricted world vision.

Jiva is in a strange situation, because Jiva feels that to move away from it's own small shore and join the Ocean would in some way be of deficit to their own life. Where as really, Jiva consciousness, avidya, is what needs to be dropped if an individual wishes to understand and experience a more holistic life.


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